A family descended from King David, Father of King Solomon, a great great great... grandfather, a man whose children share in his physical appearance of kingliness, brows without linear maps of worry lines instead having smile lines curving upwards from their lickety lips.
A forehead of bushy eyebrows as Moses and Darwinian descendants, children of the apes, gorillas, a creation story that is billions of years old, light years in the distance, a scientific discovery to misbelieve, beyond Adam and Eve, a story of Ava not Eve, a story in mystery books, books of detectives who discover nothing and so the story goes on.
A story in print, not an oral history, a story passed down to generations and generations in Torah scrolls, consistency, no errors of misprint, a story of Prophets vs. Apes, a story in The Torah, about lives of great women who were Prophetesses, simple everyday mothers and wives, single girls and their sisters.
Stories not of history, but instead of HERstory, falling to sleep holding a Ms. magazine after reading of the success of your sisters, a place of girls, women, a magazine over one's sleepy eyes, shading your sleepy vision of light in the sunniness of a midafternoon nap, women who get more sleep than men.
A cup of black caffeinated tea to sip and manna white wafers to eat, as you womanly rise from your sleepy nap into full health from a dreamy sleep that has erased all your worries, a matriarch of successful royalty without worries, a woman in her home who owns her own home.
A bedroom with a king-sized bed for afternoon naps, but not being a king or needing a king, instead being a Queen like Queen Elizabeth in a king's bed, the head of the household, a mother whose sprinkled the world with her seeds of children scattered like flowers over the moors on a foggy day in London, not to know the promised land, to be buried in Moab or donating your body to science, a cemetery without flowers, a grave of Moishe after he struck the rock twice, unbelievingly.
Water flowing from that rock as paychecks forthcoming for a lifetime, a life of longevity, a long life, a life of ease and afternoon naps.
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