What is it like to be "pork-free"? How does this diet effect a person, as being a Commandment that we are to follow that is stated in The Torah, the holy Bible. What do we as non-pork eaters have that others who eat pork do not have? What makes this a holy experience?
To read and to study The Torah where it explicitly warns us not to eat swine because even though it has cloven feet it does not chew its cud.
To not only to not eat pork, but not to go anywhere near it, not to touch it with your hands, trying not to even look at it.
A digestive effect of pork even to people who are not Jews, is the clogging of one's intestines, a cause of constipation.
To love your body and mind, to not eat pork that lets in evil into your body, The Bible being a source of goodness, and its Commandments telling us how to be good. How to not allow evil into your psyche that causes you aggression and the drive to hurt others. To allow this pork into your body as a weapon you have to hurt others, but it will bounce back and instead hurt you.
Taking weeks maybe months before even one small digested piece of pork exits your body. To not be free of its evil effects for a great length of time because it enters into your bloodstream and body cells becoming part of your body.
To trust the Word of The Torah, to seek peace and to make peace with others. To not use your body as it is ill fed to be a weapon against your family, friends or neighbors. To stay clear of all pork, and all foods that do not contain holiness as is listed in The Torah.
To not eat foods that create badness instead of goodness.
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