Joseph, Y'osef, Joey, Joe, GI Joe, wake up from your dreams!
Your life was not easy, you were sold as a slave by your brothers, then imprisoned for no fault of your own, accused as a rapist but never even attracted to her, dreaming dreams at night in your prison cell, dreams that kept you alive, gave you a reason to live. Dream interpretations that then got you released from prison.
O' how you loved your little brother Benjamin! Your mother was Rachel, and she gave birth to you and to him, dying when she birthed Benjamin, her death being a reason for you to live.
Thrown into a pit by your brothers, a pit filled with snakes and scorpions--but you survived. G-d what a miracle!
Your father Jacob saw your bloodstained multicolored coat and grieved, O' how he grieved! A coat of many different colors, a gift from your Father, stained with the jealousies of your brothers.
Your son Manasseh was a chip off the ol' block. "Manasseh" being a Hebrew word that means to forget the hard times that your family put you through, but to never to forget your family's love for you,
O' but Joseph, Joey! How they put you through the ringer! But you used your struggles to become the strongest leader of all of Egypt, leading a great nation just with your dreams!
Trading gold and silver for foods and livestock, then having enough foods saved up to lick the famine, a famine that was supposed to kill off the Egyptians but did not. The Egyptians were fed, and little known to you, grew strong enough a generation later to take over the Hebrews as slaves.
O' Y'osef, you were there to close your father's eyes in his death!
You have guided me to never forget my dreams, to always dream, and to always believe in my dreams.
It is because of you as a mentor, that we hold our dreams close to our hearts, that our dreams could come true if we work as hard as you did for them, always holding onto our dreams, they have made us who we are today.
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