Mourner's Kaddish, 10, why 10, not to cry alone, 9+1, 1 being Torah Scroll, 1 being 1 God and one-ly 1 God. Siddur Sim Shalom, siddur=book, prayerbook, 1 for weekdays, 1 for Shabbat and Festivals, blue and maroon, maroon was my father's favorite color. A prayer said for the mourner by the mourner with 10, a minyan. Men or/and Women, big debate, called sexism, not to biologically mix-up sexuality with God, no control, control, dividing factor. Denominations grew and free-thinkers grew, David says to sing a "new" song, and this is how we got new songs to be sung. A prayer all about life that is said about death. We do not celebrate death, but we do not join the dead in death either, life is said at times of death. Standing, not sitting. Only the mourner stands. Standing everyday when there are 10 for 1 year. Ten is 1 and a 0. 1+0=1. Again, 1 God, only 1. Why 10? A large enough number. Too large? Invite your family and friends to daven, 10 will then shrink to a more accessible size. Why do math at all. To count money? Or to count a minyan. Who counts. Does it depend on who is doing the counting. We all do the counting. We all share in the same beliefs, the same traditions, the same Halakah. If someone shows up who has different colored feathers, s/he is welcomed. Minority though. Take a vote. The majority rules. This is the definition of a democracy. Jewish Halakah started the 1st democracy. There's that number 1 again.
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