Sweet on Paris and Rome and Berlin, St. Petersburg, anywhere but here, nowhere except here, when I am there I am not here, I am here only when I stop being there. Where is here and where is there? What is the present and I am happier in the past? If I cannot remember, but could prophesy, would my future be my present and my past always be the moment before the moment--each moment being now and then before now. Is now better than then, is it easier for some to be in the now and for others to be in the then, where am I anyway? Does it depend on thoughts and not places, is a place all in one's thoughts and a thought all about one's place? Is a thought a place. If God is a place, is God also a thought? Is God all my "good" thoughts and these good thoughts make a place a good place? Is a place all in one's thoughts, all in one's mind. Does it even matter where you are as long as your thoughts are in a good place. Can one have thoughts in a bad place? If one has bad thoughts is he in a bad place? What makes a thought a good thought and another thought a bad thought? Thinking is not easy, thinking good thoughts about others will help you think good thoughts about yourself.
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