About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017



To want, to desire, to pray, to need encouragement to do what you like to do. Who to beckon? Who to ask for their opinion of your work?

Do you need feedback as a sign, to watch the speed of the puffy white clouds, Aaron died on a cloudless day Miriam died taking all the water in the universe with her, no more water anywhere. 

A piece of rock busted open shooting water upwards as an endless fountain, the first volcano, lava, red hot, Moses did not trust in God for God to provide the water. Moses to be buried, but where?

Moses never to see The Promised Land, buried instead in Moab. Moses's passing away with wishes, asking God, "Why have you forsaken me?!"

He so wanted to be understood, a man with a lisp, a Prophet who stuttered, a soft-tongued quiet peaceful man though a warrior too, a man who received his compliments and encouragement straight from God Himself. God speaking to Moses in Hebrew, Aramaic, languages Moses could understand, Moses's obedience to God eternally, except at the very end. He tried to live without Miriam, without water, God took over and told Moses instead He would provide water, but this could not penetrate in Moses's mind, consequence being for Moses to never to see The Promised Land.

To live your life with encouragement from God Himself, to ask God, "What do you think God? How do you like my handiwork?" Getting glimpses of approval, feeling success!

Reward coming down in the form of rainfall, crops watered, a cloud that looks like a smiley sheep, clouds dissipating, disappearing, no flooding, instead a miraculous sign of wonderment, a sign that God approves, God loves, God loves you!

David's descendants looked after, the anointed of David in first place in God's good will to be protected. Abraham and Sarah, all of Noach's children, we are the children of God, the line of David and tribe of Levy, well fed, spiritually sustained and well-watered.  

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