About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Friday, July 7, 2017


Image result for climbing mountains

Are you debating whether to climb a mountain or to walk on water instead?

Did you ever climb Starved Rock, the hill of the American Indians who were chased up this hill where they starved to death?

What is your motivating source? To see mankind as "humankind" instead and to convince others to see like this, to spread the word of the equality of all humankind?

Holy waters and blessed bread. Being in a state of constant prayer, moments of peace through meditation but within a group of people, not exile but unity with that which seems separate, but is really in cognizance with everything and everyone, separate but equal, separate but ONE under ONE G-D.

To integrate this separateness so others can learn aloneness instead of loneliness. Aloneness to write, play music, create art, to have an empty space filled. To create ideas to share with others who wish to be filled with your ideas, an offer of peace and wisdom.

How to be a shining star as a path for others to follow? To convince others but not to proselytize something they can never achieve. Instead to try to give them an understanding of the rights of all people. All people being equal to others. People as equals to yourself, as special as you are and they are.

If someone else owns more property, this quantity is not an indication of wealth. Wealth comes instead with the ability to walk in others' shoes and to understand others, to have done that, been there. It is responsibility that comes with the ownership of a quantity of monetary wealth.

To be free and to be far up in the clouds away from the center of the Earth that scorches us with stressfulness, to be free, to be cool in natural moving waters, to be real, to be thankful and praiseful.

To know as Jews we can always return to The Lord, it is up to us to show people of other religions how loving Judaism is. We and all others need to cease hatred based on misconceptions of reality based on a lack of knowledge and jealous coveting. 

To climb everyday a mountain that is not a mountain at all. To feel safe in the natural easiness of a steady stride that comes one day at a time, one step after another step.

Turning mountains into holy hills of Har Zion, and feeling the strength of your leg calves in hiking boots as you climb with what are really just ordinary bare feet, but anointed with the kiss and love from our Lord Adonai.

A mountain becoming a hill and a kiss becoming a marriage to Adonai.

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