About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Thursday, July 13, 2017


Image result for DEath of death

What are you praying for? A miracle that in no way on Earth can ever happen? For the longevity of a person to reach abnormal impossible proportions? Something that never before has happened on Earth or in the Heavens as we know it? 

To pray for a Messiah to come and change the world is a good way to use your blessings and prayers. We have never had a Messiah because a true Messiah would change this world into a perfect world, that being a world without death. To never mourn again is a perfect world. Not to lie and change a mournful action into a celebrative action, this will not work and no matter how hard we try to turn a lie into a truth, it still will not happen. We will still miss the presence of our deceased, especially if it is a Mother or Father. To deny death is not causing it to not exist. You are living with untruths, obviously not reality. 

To say your deceased is in Heaven, that you have no worries, is a fallacy. Because you have never been to Heaven to know this or to make sure. None of us has. There are people who died but relived and came back to life, but their account of afterlife is a renewal with their dead family and friends as a merging of their spirit with their deceased family spirits. But, this is something you must wish and pray for, to desire, not accessible if you do not want it or try it or ask G-D to provide it. 

The Psalms as written by King David tells us "G-D will grant all your desires to come true."

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