A Great Great Great...Grandfather in King David. How does this impact my life? What changes does it cause and how is my life different than the lives of others?
Well, King David sure is a great guide and leader to follow in my life, a King of true royalty whose Father had roots in Ruth who was the Grandmother of King David, she being born a Moabite and was not a Jew, but loved her Mother-In-Law Naomi and converted to Judaism, seeing that she wanted what Naomi had, that she did not. Her conversion to Judaism being based on her love for Naomi. A Book of Ruth in The Torah that could have been written by a female not male author. A time during Shavuot to remember and honor Ruth and Naomi, and their grandchild King David.
King David was not a mathematician, he was not a scientist, he was not a doctor or a lawyer. He was a poet, a man of spirituality and holiness, he was an artist and a lover of women and men. He was sensitive and had deep feelings that he was able to express in his writings of The Psalms. He was a man of kindness, but also a military leader who fought against evil. He, like our nation's President of the United States of America was the Chief Office Executive of the Military. He fought bravely and won his battles.
King David, as we read in The Torah, used a slingshot of a small piece of wood and a pebble and he shot it into the forehead of the giant Goliath and killed him. This happened when King David was just a boy, a youngster, whose small pebble shot bravely like an arrow from a bow, into the brow of a giant who threatened the life of David. David being a true warrior from day one, and then becoming the leader of great armies of thousands of soldiers.
King David being a lover, not just a fighter. His fights led by his love for his people, his fights guided by the One True G-D Almighty he worshipped. His goal not to be in a war with his enemies, but to pray for the peace between all. To topple giants who threatened him, but not to need a huge army to do this, instead just one small pebble did the trick.
Peace being the ultimate goal behind his wars.
His son Solomon who took his place in leadership after King David, being an architect and a builder of the Second Temple of Jerusalem, a leader like his Father David, also a sensitive poet like his Father, King Solomon was the poetic author of The Proverbs.
As a descendant of King David and King Solomon and with the convert to Judaism Ruth also in my genes, I uphold their mission that guided their lives, to feel peace through the worship of The ONE G-D Almighty and to share my peace with everyone.
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