About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Image result for i love you mom

To be blessed by G-d with a Mother, to have a Mother in your corner, a Mother who loves you, even if you yourself are a Mother and have your own kids, your Mother's nurturing is still something you need and continue to receive, to be blessed having a Mother who gives you this nurturing years beyond you being a child at her bosoms.

To have the love of a Mother, a woman you respect, to love her unconditionally, so unconditionally that you love her whether she can give you love or not.

To have a Mother who is eternally beautiful, being to you the most beautiful woman in the world, and no matter how many years old she is, how much older than you she is, her beauty is never just skin deep. Her crimson radiance shines forth no matter how old she gets, her love is enduring and age just gives it a better flavor like that of a bottle of aging red wine or a piece of tasty cheese.

A Mother who knows all and yet she asks her children to teach her, she listens to your every word and encourages you to be at your best.

Her love is there for you no matter what.

She loved you from the moment you were conceived because she loved your Father and the two of them, your Mom and Dad became as one, in love as two people, your parents, but in love with a love that was kindled as a passionate warm flame, just for you, under ONE G-d.

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