The crux of Torah study is to obtain IMPROVEMENT. How does one get a mindset to improve, what can you do to improve? How can you use all your skills as vehicles to achieve improvement?
To have an interest in doing better, to do something whatever, better than you did it previously. To try again and again to use your skills and to hone in and improve your skills, so whatever you are doing is done better than it had been done.
To have an ideal to "love" as your goal. To find someone to love and to be able to give him/her all the love you have to give. To be able to give him/her more love than you did previously, to be better able to forgive those you love, to show improvement in this area, to love and to forgive and to be able to do this freely and effortlessly.
To want to do and be better in every job you do than how you did it in previous years. To put in an extra effort, to try harder, to give each detail more attention, to try to avoid distractions, to be a person who cares about your goals, to have goals that will improve the lives of others not just your own life.
To stick with commitments and if you have made someone a promise, to stick with it and keep your promises. Not to break your Covenant with The Lord or if you made an agreement with a person, to stick to the terms of your agreement.
To be a person who strives to do better and to be better, to be there for others, to try harder to be a help to others and not to let people down. To show improvement in all and any area that will improve the lives of others as your life too is improved.
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