About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Maccabees Won!!!

Chanukah! Giant winning dreidel speaking and spinning, sharing shekels earned by the learned, and sent to one's favorite cause without a pause, 10% goes to poor and destitute, if you are able, you can donate more, 100%, every half shekel counts, counting 10 like a minyan, loving to count every shekel, every member of a minyan: women and men both count. Minyans that count are egalitarian minyans; widow, stranger, orphan, Levite, fatherless, motherless, men, women, children, no exclusion. God will defeat the enemy who hurts the poor. Seeing God in a brilliant hot lighted candle, Tel Aviv radio station vibrating an explosion of happiness! Light where there was none, a dark night becomes a sunburst, a starburst, a burst of joyousness! Truth! Rejoicing, dancing, tapping one's feet, swinging and smiling, struggling, fighting for human rights, everyone is human. Enjoy yourself: the word is "all," a word for everyone, all invited, all welcome, the majority wins. Even he who does not know he is invited is invited, PARTY! Happy Chanukah to everyone! She is singing softly and sweetly, she is singing in Modern and Biblical Hebrew, she is rhythmically beating an African drum, we are standing up and intently listening to her get proud and watch her rise up in aliyah like a peaceful rejoicing free seagull reaching the top of the blue and white sky on a drifting cloud where the jeweled Sapphire blue and golden throne of God holds our Almighty Adonai. Adonai, who is neither a masculine entity or a feminine entity but possesses the good qualities of both sexes is watching and clapping for the dancers below, clapping and smiling. S/He is happy! When S/He is happy, we are all happy. What makes Her/Him happy is people wanting Her/Him to be happy. Freedom and happiness as a inherent God-given right for all Her/His people. God protects the widow, stranger, orphan, woman, child, poor, Levite, etc. and we all watch it happen happily. She sings and we listen, we must become willing to listen! Hearing sweet songs, new songs, happy songs, soprano voices as well as alto--they harmonize! Dreidel, dreidel! We are celebrating light in the darkest time of history, on the coldest of all days, after the bloodiest of all battles. We are celebrating happiness, victory, the prosperity of the human race, the soon-to-be Coming Of The Massiach! Dance everyone! All. And live and be free!!!


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