About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

Tefillin so tight, arm's blood thickening under pressure, cleaning blood with the forcefulness of its circulation as it spurts through my veins. Clean leather straps, kosher-slaughtered cow leather, foot leather on Chanukah but not on Yom Kippur. Tefillin on Chanukah, not on Yom Kippur. Prayer to cause innocence with leather box on forehead. Holy words from holy mouth, no words, whispers, chant.

Breathing in clean air, seeing a dark sky on a Kislev morning, mourning the destruction of the world as we try to save it. Some are destroying the world, others are saving it. People are throwing garbage on the ground while others are picking it up.

Blood pressure increasing with the donning of tefillin, blood moving faster, getting thicker, veins and arteries increasing in size, heart pumping harder, meeting requirements of strengthened spirituality with every heart muscle contraction. Hand bound hard, brass knuckles in a leather strap, leather protecting knuckles, weaker left arm becomes stronger than the right. Like being in the right, and in there with ko-ach.

Kosher breakfast digesting, purified food bringing nutrition to body, mind, spirit: thickened blood accepting holy nutrients, forming healthier cells, purities of holy foods forming skin, body; replacing dead spent, old and used body cells.

Head heavier, body heavier, can stand and sit, and sit and stand at the right times. Can bow, can bend knees. Can call the spirits of Avraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah, doing it on Chanukah--Deborah led us in battle and we won. Smaller is mightier. Majority wins, but not when majority is wrong. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Save lives, save the world.


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