American Lynx Fur Coat, silky, furry, warm, soft, hairy, like a lion and a lamb both, wearing it to walk to the mailbox, spotted like a fast quick lynx, mysterious, peering out of a warm furry hat, covering ears, snow on its way, steamy tight gloves, leather boots, sprayed with a water repellent: dressed for success. Who is she? She is not a spy, she is a neighbor. Love your neighbor. Love your fellow, and your fellow's fellow. Spreading your love around, feel my soft furry coat with your fingers, it is a lynx. What is a lynx? Not sure, a cat of some kind? I used to have cats, used to pet cats, now I pet a lynx. And everyone pets me. Pure white stripes down middle, hanging proudly from a nail on a hanger on my wall. Like a flag. It decorates the room, I brush its soft mane and comb it and keep it neat, it is like owning my own leopard. Was not gift, I bought it myself. $13,500.00 value but I only paid $32.00. Silk lining, smooth on skin, bundled up, like a lion. Pretty as a lamb. Wearing pink skirts. Pink and white, lynx over pink and white, long flowing lady's hair, dark as a raven down my back. Black long silky hair, lynx coat, a brickhouse! Long strong stride, keeping up with the Jones'es, and looking like a fox!
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