From the absurd into reality, from a joke into seriousness, from celebrating into mourning, from haziness of a fog into the starkness of black print on a white page, from the holiness of Shabbat into the secularity of a Sunday, from viewing a silver lining of a cloud at sunset to seeing an imageless computer screen's fluorescence and closing the eyes. Keeping forehead lowered and eyebrows intensely concentrating on communication, but creative communication, is the resultant goal of a restful Shabbat. No sweat, need stretching, walking, bending, on break from scrutinizing the rhythm of words--flexing knees, no cane or walker in sight. She has a fold-up cane, she is modest, not old, her sister is "old" instead. She walks from chair to chair, and watches television--courtroom TV programs, exercising her mind, so she can count numbers and still pay her bills. Seniority is senior citizen's rights, elder wisdom--giving benefit of the doubt--trying not to doubt, fear of God is so strong I hear this fear in everyone's tonal reverberations, keep blinking and figuring out the puzzle. Did not blow up my computer on Friday night, just turned it off for the observance of Shabbat. Ready now to tap the beat on and on for another week. Did not lose the shadow, saw my fingernail reflect the flame and its beauty astounded me like when I look into a mirror. She says I'm chosen, I say it was my choice. HalleluYAH.
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