What is it that I want to dwell on today, to write about, to share with you, to feel and to get you to feel too? I want you all to feel my peaceful state of mind when and as I feel it, at the same time, through what I write to you.
How is it to feel peace. What is peace. Why do people fight instead of welcoming peace. What does fighting do for a person that peace does not do. Why would someone choose a fight over establishing peace. What good does a fight provide, and what better good does peace provide? Why should we choose peace over war? War brings in spoils, death to our enemies, stimulation and an increase in one's strength and power.
Peace? Does it provide power? How can we see peace as a better option, a truer way to feel power, if we have peace, the peace will destroy the war, and the power will be in the hands of the peacemaker, not the warrior.
G-d destroyed all of Egypt when they were warriors against the peace-seeking Jewry, He caused the Red Sea to open into great walls surrounding the Egyptian army and then spilled heavy drowning waves of breathless water onto the army and killed all the Egyptian warriors. G-d then brought peace this way to the Jewish people. The enemies of the Jews were all destroyed. There was nothing left to exist except wandering Jewish families who kept the Faith, a Faith that worshipped peace over war, chanting meditative Hebrew songs over war cries.
Why do we want to smile and give care and friendliness to our neighbors instead of warring battles? Peace is a healer, the rest we find in peace and that we get through loving our neighbors brings healing to the body which is otherwise stressed out with too much stimulation that one gets from warring with them instead.
Want to live a peaceful life instead of a life of war? Practice peace, practice love, it will not come to you, you must go to it. Peace as an option is in your hands. Peace can be a reality in all your doings, health following this peace can be yours. Do not fight peace, fight wars instead. Ask for G-d's help to keep the peace, wherever G-d abides, can be peace. Give it up, give it to G-d. And then enjoy the peace, carry it with you wherever you go, with all people, in all places. Feel the healing, feel the righteousness. Feel peaceful. Usurp its benefits. Share your peace with others. Internalize it and externalize it. Peace will be everywhere, and battles will dissolve.
Practice Shabbat. Shabbat is the gift from G-d to carry peace, the peace we experience through stopping our work one day out of the week, as a way to experience the rest G-d experienced after He created the world, and this peace G-d felt, can be yours too. This is how we too can feel peace. And then carry Shabbat peace and rest throughout your weekdays.
Feel real peace!
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