About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The H in FrencH is Silent

Fine linens, vestments, robes, imported fabrics: hand-washing, no dry cleaning, drying soft hands. Hand-washing blessing, finding a private place to raise hands high--Torah raised high too.

Last words before shutting Ark cabinet door, not missing seeing it--do not have a Kindle, but books are aplenty horn on Thanksgiving.

For thus said, plentieth, boasteth, thy and thou. Loving and respecting lingo, linguistics, she only speaks English. Lingo and bingo, not betting, gambling for addicts, will play a dreidel but not for chocolate.

Turn back, go there again, return, forget what is on your tongue, memory like etching in stone, once learned never forgotten. Not forgetting the 6 million. Bloodline, great grandparents, they did not get out. No need to escape, mezuzzot on all doors, pork invisible, real kosher beef, and not from the back haunches.

L' Shanah Tovah, using "ah" but not sighing. Ah is not ach, no need to roll tongue, not in Mexico.

Not attending wakes, no one dying, no shivot either, everyone healthy, xxxx happens. 4-letter words, not spelling anything, assumptions are not facts, debating is not peace-making. Needing to come out on top, a winner of nothing, a bad taste in one's mouth. Gargling, deleting.

Sparkling spot of green, brown and red, imageless existence, words and numbers, clear head and rested eyes. Vision is all metaphorical, not re-creating the wheel, not turning with the 86%. Instead enjoying the number 4: 4 table legs, 4 chair legs, most stable of all numbers.

Will she call me again. My guess is yes. Predictability, no worry, number 4s and a cordless phone that does not need to ring. Enjoying the reality of more 4s, and adding them up on my bank statements.

Gift giving brings the most joy.

Rejoicing about future joyous moments. Filling Her up with praise.



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