Good Morning. Good Mo[u]rning, if we have 10 we can say Kaddish. Morning turned into mourning. Good turned into God. And then the sun comes out! Good and God are almost the same words with one extra O added. In Hebrew we say Tov, with an O sound too. The Orthodox Jews omit the English letter O completely when spelling G-d. This dash creates mystery which increases imagination which makes it easier to perceive God. Also, on a Torah scroll there are no vowels. The vowels are assumed. There is the letter vav in the Hebrew word that spells God: (e.g. yud, hey, vav, hey), and also in the word Tov, which is the Hebrew word translated to English as "good." It is the letter "vav" with the vowel cholem on top that makes it an O sound. It is called a "Cholem Vav." My Mother's maiden name was Vavra. She would say "Eat your CheeriOs!" being a good mother. Cheery good morning to you! A Cherry on a ice cream Sundae is a cheery sweet. Can one eat a cherry on a Saturday or only on a Sundae? Sundays are not the same as Saturdays. Workdays are not the same as Sabbath Days. Saturdays are my Sabbath Days. Sun-days could be rain days, dark days. Checking the weather, unpredictability, depending on the moisture content in a cloud, clouds above waters, more condensation near the lake, Adonai is in a cloud, fog is a lowered cloud, fog is protection, rain is good in good amounts, storms can destroy. Thunder and lightening are light and sound shows! Can you see the blue sky? Look up, make aliyah! Keep your chin up. Shade your eyes from the brightness, don't look directly into the sun, don't fly too high or you will be burned. Hitting the high notes on a piano, singing soprano, scoring high marks on a test. How can one get high? Marijuana now legalized. Dancing with high steps, hiring an employee for a new business, saying hello, hi! We can get higher still! Airplanes, rockets, removing oneself from reality, soaring, flying, singing with the birds! All good things come to an end. Gravity always pulls one downwards, are we fighting the force of gravity to go upwards? The further down one goes, the higher one wants to get. Arrogance becomes humility, fame for the sake of fame destroys a good name. Come down to earth and toil the soil. Keep one's feet on the ground. Steady and sure, slower, and in the range of the bass notes. Consistency, predictability, care and concern for one's fellow man. Up and down, higher highs and lower lows, using even courses. Saying "Hi" makes one high. Saying Good Morning makes one good. In this way, one will not get burned by the sun but be shaded by a cloud. The sky is not always blue, it turns gray sometimes. We sleep and we awake. We lie down and we get up. Observe the animals, they will tell you, they will teach you. When a flower drops a seed, a new flower sprouts and drops its own seed. The new flower needs sunlight and cannot be shaded by the older larger flower, or grow too close to it, or the newer flower's growth will be stunted. Saying "Hi" will increase growth and keep you high in the sunlight, even on a cloudy day. When we say Hello we must someday say Good Bye. Shalom means Hello and Good Bye and of course, Peace.
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