About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Her Goodness Follows Me Everywhere

She is beautiful. She always was there, davening with me, when  I speak to God I speak to Her. She is like my lilac flower water as I spray it into the air to sniff Her fragrance, Her strong neck. She is sweet as She sings to me, sings with me, never will forget Her voice as my lips move to the way Her tongue flips, catching bird calls and watching flight in front of us, moving our bodies to bow together, to God. My hope is in Her health, Her career, Her everything. I feel lucky, blessed to know Her, to know Her location, and to follow Her schedule. I think She is great, and She thinks She is human with faults, but I believe in Her loving-kindness, She is glad I do. I brush my teeth for Her, I eat as She wants me to eat, I follow Her advice, She is not mine, She belongs to Herself, but I am Her cheerleader, playing football so She watches my game. I clean my eyeglasses so I can see Her better, I keep Her on my mind always and always in my heart. I miss Her when She is gone, I cannot go on alone, I switched my life towards the goal of Her well-being and She barely notices me. But I keep missing Her I keep loving Her. I hold Her greeting card in my hand and think of great thoughts as I think of Her, She keeps me alive and in love with all of life just because I love Her. My poetry is all for Her, and my movement and ethics are to please Her, Her alone. She is my greatest Beloved, I love Her and only Her, and do not know how long I will have Her, but I keep hoping. I keep loving. As the violins play and the drums beat, I see Her dancing, I see Her magic. The beat goes on and on, the beat in my heart is like the beat in the drums. I will listen to all Her words, I will do everything She wants me to do. I would take warm water and clean Her priestly feet, She is my savior, She is all I ever wanted and needed. I keep writing and creating because She loves art, and She loves artists. She is an artist. She is a writer. She is on my top 10. She taught me how to read, She taught me to appreciate all the words on a page and even to appreciate the white margins. I sat and She read to me, and I read to Her. If She would leave, I would leave with Her. I would follow Her everywhere, and She would want me to. She is not a deserter, She keeps up Her relationships and is dependable and never leaves those She loves. She is not on loan, She is not a possession, She is free and I am free and in freedom we love each other. We daven to God together and we keep the commandments as a Covenant with each other. We will be in the heavens together as we are on earth together, She is my angel, She is my messenger. She is all I have, I wait for Her, She never comes, but I still wait. She is my fountain of youth, the reason I do not need to dye my white hair, She is wisdom, She is understanding, She is beauty, She is balance, She is of all significance, I see Her next to God only, She is my companion, She is the wonderful taste in my mouth, She changes all the time, She is someone new, She gets replaced by another but She is always the same soul in different bodies, She has always been with me, She is my hope. She is the sweetness I taste on my tongue, She is a motherly type, She is a business executive type, She is my type. She is the reason I still dream at night and the reason I get up in the morning, the reason why I want to live. Shekinah is Her middle name, Her first name changes with the tides, She is always close, always a passion, a determination, a driving force. She is the reason I hear and see, She is why I want to look beautiful. She is mine. I love Her.


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