About The Author and Artist

Beth "Batyah" Ginzberg is the owner, CEO and founder of "Ginzberg Creative Arts and Writing, Inc." She is a descendant of the Davidic Line of the Mashiach and is an Israelite Hebrew Priestess. Her father was a Levi Hebrew Priest. Ginzberg is an information scientist and an artist and writer. She writes her poetry in honor and memory of her father Emanuel Ginsburg and in honor of and love for her mother Jarie Vavra Granton.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Existential Thought and Jewish Meditations

They want to kill us, we won, Maccabees, bumble bees, cheating at dreidel game, reading Torah instead, darkness in the mornings, we have 9 lights they have only 5, whose winter is darker, theirs or mine, not belonging to either, in a class by oneself, getting to know you, knowing people outside, inside, not wanting to know anyone, typed, diagnosed, his father is "probably" Jewish and his mother is not, knowing the ins and outs, time to read, time to figure out the print, reading is easier, print is clearer, darker, knowing enough, not wanting to know anymore, battles between families, interfamily reunions, acceptance of all as humans, your skin is darker than mine, Sephardi is a choice.

Tightening tefillin, too tight, blood cut off, which bloodline do you want cut off, joining lineages together, one God one lineage. Blood not pure, your blood is purer than mine, no blood is pure. Blood is life source, blood does not flow, except through a placenta. No placenta, cut many years ago, dressed in sackcloth, given Priestly clothing, wearing skirts, Rabbis wearing white pleated skirts in sandals, hairy legs, segregated lands, lands of skirts, lands of white clothing on Shabbats, lands with protected populations. Police murdered last night in Brooklyn, news, parties in Calumet City, 11 found dead. Xmas parties with no one invited, everyone invited, 11 no longer invited. Peace wishes everywhere, fighting in all places, Gospel music blaring on a Sunday, not listening, not partaking, doctors having unexpected surgeries on themselves.

Cold weather, high cholesterol, high glucose, fasting on 10 Tevet. Fasting is a detox, cleans kidneys and liver. Not having surgery, resting on Shabbat. Long life, long poem, longer than a good night's sleep. A dream come true. We all wake up from dreams. Joseph dreamt they bowed to him, he interpreted dreams. A dream of equality, education and prosperity, health, and purity for all deserving people. Forgiveness and understanding and burials for those who are not. Keeping The Faith with capital letters. She never writes back. Pen pal on Thursdays, can wait till then. Permanent bonds with the better of the best. Real life good advice, real caring, not needing anymore, just a rest.


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