We want to know, just how clean was Mr. Clean? And was Mr. Clean mean? No way, the most gentle man in the whole wide world!
If he saw a spec of dust on the floor, he bent over to pick it up and put it in the garbage, a spec not a spook.
Dry cleaning, his white business shirts. We as his kids ironed his handkerchiefs one by one separately. They were embroidered with his name initials, MHG. More clean clothing, shirt after shirt, black pants, brown pants, navy blue, every evening after work to do a load, to dry it in the dryer and fold it or hang it up on hangers. All hangers must to be arranged with the top hooks facing in the same direction, neatly, orderly in our closets.
Underclothes hand washed, dried naturally in the fresh air, a clothes line outdoors drying large white cotton bed sheets, the clothes line attached from the house to the garage, taut.
How to kill stubborn germs? A telephone receiver to have germs on it from people's breath, to actually take a painter's or artist's turpentine on a cloth to clean the phones, to burn the germs away! But the alcohol smell to permeate the entire house, like a noxious spray paint.
Told not to make noise in the downstairs bathroom, to quietly adjust the faucet, to walk in a pussy-cat's tip toe, not to clomp.
Absolutely No Shoes in the House! No shoes no noise, no smashing the leather sole, not to march. All the shoes neatly arranged in the basement, all feet to feel naturally good as one walks barefoot to and fro, healthily bending the foot on the carpets and wooden floors, vinyl kitchen (orange/yellow) cheery flooring.
A maid to clean the floors after Mr. Clean was no longer with us. To clean the floors, but not with a detergent that causes floor slipperiness. Care and love to treat all the property, to gently use a felt duster to chase the dust away.
To use green cleaning supplies, so no poison? It is one's option. Natural fresh fruit and herbs that have cleaning powers and that we can breathe into our lungs without an allergic reaction.
Water on the wooden floors, but just a smidgen, not to cause the natural real wood to warp.
Dishes? Always done by hand, not an electronic dishwasher appliance. Every spec of food to be seen with his eyes and removed, to stand at the kitchen sink, not lazily to sit. Mr. Clean's Son, to dry the dishes immediately after washing, with a clean dish towel. They were a team, a Father and Son, a clean team with dishes like saucers, out of space, a way to get exercise not needing to pace.
A way for the men to say: "Thank you Mother, for cooking us the good food! Please cook for us again!"
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