Have you ever run into a person who lies to you about the fact that he is a Jew and says instead he is not a Jew? Why would anyone be dishonest about this. Does this blow your trust in all Jews, not knowing whether or not anyone is telling you the truth and why Jews would lie to other Jews about their religion.
You can answer people who have the question posed to you, what is your religion, you can say "I am Jewish" or you can say "I do not discuss religion or politics." If a Jew denounces the fact that he is Jewish, he feels a shame to be Jewish instead of pride in his Mother, Father and his chosen religion, as was chosen for him by his parents. This dishonesty makes all Jews look bad. No, he is not saving his life by lying about his Faith, he can choose for anyone he wants to know about his religion or not. But if we are going to show the world about a good example, then we have to "come out" about our Judaism, like did Queen Esther. Next holy day? Purim is coming at the end of February. Why is Purim dated on the lunar calendar as to be here in February? Because after our Maccabees win the fight on Hanukkah and the light in the Temples becomes eternal, we need to know it is safe to tell people what is our Faith.
Yes, it looks very bad to lie about what is your chosen religion, there is no good that comes of it. Be honest, forthright, and proud, say you are a Jew, and when he asks "why?" say you were born that way.
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